Tag Archive: alternative policies

Desistance from crime is the norm

August 15, 2019

This post is about 950 words and can be reach in about 4 minutes. Increasing evidence shows that most people who commit crimes stop doing so as they get older.  This finding, called one of the strongest in the whole...

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How to have a more informed debate on criminal justice policy

July 31, 2019

This post is about 1060 words and can be read in 5 minutes. Under the Harper Conservatives Canada experienced a considerable toughening of criminal justice laws.These included many more mandatory minimum sentences, restrictions on parole, much more restrictive rules for...

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Police record checks create big problems

May 13, 2019

This post is about 500 words and can be read in about 2 minutes. Opinion by Christin Cullen, Executive Director, John Howard York Region Our current system for police background checks is a barrier to employment for far too many...

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