Tag Archive: arrests

Data on Canada’s prison system

January 25, 2020

900 words; 4 minute read. The annual performance monitoring report of the Parole Board of Canada is one of the best regular sources of data about criminal justice in Canada – a field where our data are generally quite weak....

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Major problems in Ontario jails and courts

January 16, 2020

1000 words; 5 minutes to read. A recent report on the Ontario Ministry of Corrections by the Auditor General found significant problems that involve not just waste of public money, but even more seriously, negative consequences for many people enmeshed...

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Michael Bryant, CCLA and criminal justice

December 11, 2019

The Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) is a champion for civil rights in all areas of Canadian life. Criminal justice is one of its focus areas.  The organization has been very active in mounting court challenges around some of the...

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Most people can’t afford a proper legal defense

November 27, 2019

950 words; 4 minutes to read. A fundamental aspect of justice in Canada is that any accused person has the right to make a proper defense.  In practice, this right does not exist for most Canadians because they cannot afford...

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The Hidden Epidemic of False Guilty Pleas

July 25, 2019

By Caroline Erentzen, York University and colleagues (more information at the end of the post) This post is just under 1000 words and can be read in 4-5 minutes. In the late 1980s, a series of DNA-based exonerations shook the...

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Police record checks create big problems

May 13, 2019

This post is about 500 words and can be read in about 2 minutes. Opinion by Christin Cullen, Executive Director, John Howard York Region Our current system for police background checks is a barrier to employment for far too many...

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