Tag Archive: bail

Risks and benefits of risk assessment

October 9, 2021

Post #178 720 words; 3 minutes to read Audio summary by volunteer Averi Brailey. This post draws largely on the work of Dr Jennifer Kamorowski and colleagues. The criminal justice system is making increasing use of ‘risk assessment’ instruments and...

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Criminal justice and the federal election

August 24, 2021

Post #175 830 words; 4 minutes to read Voice summary thanks to volunteer Averi Brailey. This post is a slightly edited reprint from one posted in the early days of the 2019 federal election.  The election is a time to...

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Harms of remand – evidence from Denmark

October 21, 2020

Post #153 650 words; 3 minutes to read The majority (about 60%) of people held in provincial jails in Canada have not been found guilty of anything and this pattern has been getting worse in recent years. They are being...

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Inequality and racism as central themes

July 6, 2020

450 words; 2 minutes to read Issues of inequality and racism are at the very forefront of the news in Canada.  The criminal justice system is often cited as a place where these problems are notable. These issues have been...

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Major problems in Ontario jails and courts

January 16, 2020 |

1000 words; 5 minutes to read. A recent report on the Ontario Ministry of Corrections by the Auditor General found significant problems that involve not just waste of public money, but even more seriously, negative consequences for many people enmeshed...

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