Tag Archive: discrimination

Eyewitness testimony has many limitations

June 19, 2024

Post #243 950 words; 4 minutes to read This post was authored by graduate student Michelle Reinink based on work done by Dr Jamal Mansour  and colleagues at the University of Lethbridge.     Imagine that you are walking late at...

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How can we help young men stay out of jail?

March 30, 2024

Post #238 900 words; 4 minutes to read   Summary: A study of 1600 young men in Quebec shows that imprisonment can badly interfere with normal life development, leading to increased recidvism. A very high proportion of the people in...

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Former ‘tough on crime’ advocate changes views radically

January 8, 2024

Post #233 900 words; 4 minutes to read   Summary: Ben Perrin, law professor and former advisor to the Harper government, makes a compelling argument for a dramatic change in our approach to criminal justice. ‘Indictment’, by Benjamin Perrin.  University...

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Do Victim Impact Statements contribute to justice?

March 11, 2023

Post #212 950 words; 4 minutes to read. Audio summary by volunteer Gilliam Sherman. Summary: Work by US scholar Susan Bandes raises important issues about the place of victim impact statements in criminal justice.   Victim impact statements (VIS) have become...

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Alec Karakatsanis tells the real story on crime

January 19, 2023

Post #208 800 words; 4 minutes to read. Summary: US commentator Alec Karakatsanis debunks much media and political propaganda about crime. Audio summary by volunteer Hannah Lee. The last few weeks have seen an onslaught of media stories and political...

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Gladue decision not having desired effects

August 13, 2022

Post #197 970 words; 4 minutes to read. Audio summary by volunteer Hannah Lee. The enormous over-representation of Indigenous people in Canada’s courts and prisons is well known. As one way of dealing with this problem, the Supreme Court of...

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CSC fails on diversity issues: Auditor General

July 26, 2022 |

Post #196 770 words; 3 minutes to read Audio summary by volunteer Averi Brailey It’s hard to find anyone outside the government that is a fan of the Correctional Service  of Canada (CSC), which operates federal prisons and parole.  Previous...

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