Tag Archive: discrimination

Special intervention units still not working

August 12, 2021

Murray Fallis Post # 175   750 words; 3 minutes to read    Murray Fallis is a lawyer with John Howard Canada.     This post has a 30 second audio summary courtesy of our volunteer, Averi Brailey Twenty-six per...

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Alternatives to prison for racialized women

June 12, 2021

Post # 170 820 words; 4 minutes to read This post has a 30 second audio summary thanks to John Howard volunteer Averi Brailey. Several posts on this blog have provided evidence that prisons are ineffective and expensive ways of...

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Rethinking violent crime

November 9, 2020

Post #154 950 words; 4 minutes to read Many discussions of crime treat so-called ‘violent crimes’ as a special subset that deserves a different, and harsher, response. But there are compelling reasons to be dubious about this distinction.  Many of...

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Inequality and racism as central themes

July 6, 2020

450 words; 2 minutes to read Issues of inequality and racism are at the very forefront of the news in Canada.  The criminal justice system is often cited as a place where these problems are notable. These issues have been...

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Electronic ankle monitors have serious problems

June 19, 2020

760 words; 3 minutes to read One of the alternatives increasingly considered – and used – instead of jailing people is the use of electronic monitors.  These can be an alternative for bail; people charged with a crime can return...

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Thousands of Canadians affected by unnecessary arrests

June 12, 2020

Recently, TV Ontario aired a documentary called “The Arrest”, about several Canadian cases in which people sued the police for wrongful arrest.  The film shows a lot of footage of the actual arrests but also shows the lasting damage to...

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The poor state of criminal justice in Canada

May 29, 2020 |

800 words; 4 minutes to read Just a year ago, in May, 2019, federal Justice Minister David Lametti released a report called “State of the Criminal Justice System”.  Issued in the last few months of the government’s first mandate, it...

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