Tag Archive: discrimination

Policing Black Lives

September 11, 2018

This post is about 450 words and can be read in 2 minutes. Canadians who follow the news are used to seeing scenes from the United States of black people being shot by police, or wrongfully convicted, or beaten while...

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How to Have Fewer Wrongful Convictions

September 4, 2018 |

This blog is about 1200 words and takes about 5 minutes to read. Canada should make a series of changes to laws and criminal justice procedures in order to prevent more people from being convicted of crimes which they did...

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May 1, 2018

Imagine what would happen to you if someone took you, against your will, and locked you, incommunicado with your family and friends, in a bathroom for one day. When you would be rescued and released, everyone would assume that you...

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