Tag Archive: judges

Are more judges key to ending court delays?

May 6, 2024

Post #241 1000 words; 4 minutes to read Summary: While timely appointment of judges is important, there are good reasons to believe that the delays in criminal courts are not primarily due to lack of judges, despite media reports.  ...

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Risks and benefits of risk assessment

October 9, 2021 | ,

Post #178 720 words; 3 minutes to read Audio summary by volunteer Averi Brailey. This post draws largely on the work of Dr Jennifer Kamorowski and colleagues. The criminal justice system is making increasing use of ‘risk assessment’ instruments and...

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Delaying Justice is Denying Justice

September 29, 2017 | ,

The Supreme Court of Canada has recently ruled twice, most notably in the 2016 Jordan decision, that it is a violation of Canadians’ rights when criminal cases are not completed in the courts in a reasonable period of time.  These rulings...

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