Tag Archive: lifers

The drive to punish and its limits        

July 29, 2024

Post #246 970 words; 4 minutes to read   Our criminal justice system rests on the belief that bad deeds merit punishment – and the assumption, stated in the criminal code, that punishment will deter future wrong doing.  However as...

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Metamorphosis – The Yves Côté story

December 8, 2022

Post #206 1200 words; 5 minutes to read. Summary: Some highlights from Yves Côté’s book about his life, more than 30 years of which was spent in prison. Audio summary courtesy of volunteer Bella Kiss. Note:  In reviewing this post,...

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Informed Opinion: the CCRA at 30- 2

November 2, 2022

  Post #204 About 1130 words; 6 minutes to read. Audio summary by volunteer Bella Kiss. This post is a response to the CCRA by Iridian Grenada, who has spent many years in Canadian prisons.  His work has appeared on...

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Prison Experience. David Dorson – Meet the Lifers

March 2, 2022

Post #187 1200 words; 5 minutes to read This post is reprinted with permission from Lawyers’ Daily as one of a series on prisoner experience they are publishing. The original link is:  Prison, a view from inside: Meet the lifers...

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Parole denied due to claims of innocence

November 27, 2018

This post is about 1100 words and can be read in about 5 minutes. There are many problems with the way that Canada’s parole system functions.  One problem is that being paroled requires a prisoner to admit guilt for the...

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Globe and Mail coverage of prison reform

November 16, 2018 |

This post is about 1150 words and can be read in 5-6 minutes. On Nov 6, the Globe and Mail newspaper ran an editorial called “Fixing solitary isn’t enough.  Canada’s prisons need to be reformed top to bottom”.  The editorial...

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Reforming criminal sentencing

June 18, 2018

In 2016, as part of a general review of criminal justice for the new federal government, the Department of Justice commissioned a set of papers on possible reforms to criminal sentencing in Canada.  Five papers were published on the Department’s...

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