Tag Archive: mental health

Prisoners on Prisons

September 28, 2020

Post # 151 710 words; 3 minutes to read Most Canadians have very little sense of what it is like to be in prison.  Perhaps most people don’t care, on the theory that ‘if you are in prison it’s for...

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Major problems in Ontario jails and courts

January 16, 2020

1000 words; 5 minutes to read. A recent report on the Ontario Ministry of Corrections by the Auditor General found significant problems that involve not just waste of public money, but even more seriously, negative consequences for many people enmeshed...

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Michael Bryant, CCLA and criminal justice

December 11, 2019

The Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) is a champion for civil rights in all areas of Canadian life. Criminal justice is one of its focus areas.  The organization has been very active in mounting court challenges around some of the...

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Is crime about the individual or the society?

October 7, 2019

1000 words; 4 minutes to read. Many of the debates in criminal justice eventually come down to the question of how we understand wrongful behaviour. For most of human history, we have seen wrongdoing as lying in the individual who...

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Older prisoners face serious challenges

August 8, 2019

This post is about 650 words and can be read in 3 minutes. The number of federal prisoners over the age of 50 has increased rapidly in the last decade, now reaching more than 25%. The increase is in large...

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The many harms of remand

June 25, 2019

This post is 600 words and can be read in 3 minutes. Jailing people after arrest – the process called remand – creates many harms. Previous posts have commented on this issue, but new research by Holly Pelvin details some...

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I Am More Than a Criminal Record

March 7, 2019 |

This post is about 800 words and can be read in 3-4 minutes. Although most people think that the court sentence is the hardest part of being convicted of a crime, for many of the millions of Canadians who have...

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