Tag Archive: rehabilitation

John Howard Canada adds podcast series

April 4, 2020 |

John Howard Canada is creating a series of podcasts in which former prisoners talk about their experience in prison and re-entering the community. “Voices Inside and Out” talks with people who’ve actually walked through those gates; their personal stories and...

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Predicting recidivism is hard to do

March 30, 2020

680 words; 3 minutes to read Part of the response of the criminal justice system to COVID 19 has been to release people from prison since jails and prisons are hotbeds for disease given crowded conditions.  Some provincial governments in...

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German prisons better and cheaper

March 6, 2020

Post #126  830 words; 4 minutes to read   Canada’s Correctional Investigator recently released yet another annual report drawing attention to some of the terrible conditions in Canada’s prisons, and the seeming indifference, if not outright opposition, of the government...

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Cons and Kernels 3 – Stuff About Prison

December 30, 2019 |

600 words; 3 minutes to read Cons and Kernels owner/entrepreneur Emily O’Brien has been in the news a lot lately as she continues to build her business and is a great spokesperson for seeing ex-prisoners in a positive light. Earlier...

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Beyond Incarceration

November 7, 2019

950 words; 4 minutes to read Paula Mallea has had a long and distinguished career as a criminal defense lawyer and public policy advocate.  Having worked extensively with prisoners, and with Indigenous people in the justice system, she became a...

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Why we like punishment

November 2, 2019 | , , , , , , ,

675 words; 3 minutes One of the great myths about the criminal justice system is that one of its major purposes is rehabilitation, helping people who did something wrong improve themselves so they will no longer commit crimes. But when...

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Desistance from crime is the norm

August 15, 2019

This post is about 950 words and can be reach in about 4 minutes. Increasing evidence shows that most people who commit crimes stop doing so as they get older.  This finding, called one of the strongest in the whole...

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How to have a more informed debate on criminal justice policy

July 31, 2019

This post is about 1060 words and can be read in 5 minutes. Under the Harper Conservatives Canada experienced a considerable toughening of criminal justice laws.These included many more mandatory minimum sentences, restrictions on parole, much more restrictive rules for...

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