Tag Archive: remand

New data on crime, prisons, parole

November 14, 2023

Post #229 1060 words – 5 minutes to read   Summary: The annual report (CCRSO) released by Public Safety Canada reveals important and troubling aspects of our criminal justice system. We have examined previous editions of this publication from Public...

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The Real Story on Bail Reform

July 12, 2023 |

Want to know what kind of bail reform is really needed in Canada?  Check out this short news conference on CPAC by John Howard Society of Canada and partner organizations to hear the facts on bail in this country. https://www.cpac.ca/episode?id=a8cc6627-40b9-41d3-b05b-6f7617f6ebf2...

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Harms of remand – evidence from Denmark

October 21, 2020

Post #153 650 words; 3 minutes to read The majority (about 60%) of people held in provincial jails in Canada have not been found guilty of anything and this pattern has been getting worse in recent years. They are being...

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Women in remand

August 14, 2020

700 words, 3 minutes to read Post #147 The majority of people held in Canadian provincial jails are on remand – that is, they have not been found guilty of a crime but are being held anyway for a range...

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Inequality and racism as central themes

July 6, 2020

450 words; 2 minutes to read Issues of inequality and racism are at the very forefront of the news in Canada.  The criminal justice system is often cited as a place where these problems are notable. These issues have been...

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Electronic ankle monitors have serious problems

June 19, 2020

760 words; 3 minutes to read One of the alternatives increasingly considered – and used – instead of jailing people is the use of electronic monitors.  These can be an alternative for bail; people charged with a crime can return...

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Presumption of innocence is often a myth

March 16, 2020 |

830 words; 4 minutes to read We are told, and believe, that the presumption of innocence is a core concept in Canadian law.  Nobody is or should be presumed guilty until they plead guilty or are convicted in a court...

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