Tag Archive: too many people jailed

Falling Crime Rates in Many Countries

October 9, 2018

This post is under 800 words and can be read in about 4 minutes. Although many Canadians don’t seem to believe this – perhaps because so much media coverage is about crime – crime rates in Canada have fallen dramatically...

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Canadians don’t like mandatory minimum sentences

August 27, 2018

This post is about 700 words and takes 3-4 minutes to read. The Liberal government elected in 2015 had as one of its election commitments ending mandatory minimum (MM) sentences for various crimes.  Although the first mandatory minimums were put...

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Reforming criminal sentencing

June 18, 2018

In 2016, as part of a general review of criminal justice for the new federal government, the Department of Justice commissioned a set of papers on possible reforms to criminal sentencing in Canada.  Five papers were published on the Department’s...

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Why and how do people desist from crime?

June 2, 2018

A major purpose of the criminal justice system is to reduce the number of crimes committed.  The Criminal Code sections on sentencing (s 718) lists several reasons for giving criminal sentences, including denunciation and deterrence, both of which are presumed...

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Overuse of Prison Around the World

September 21, 2017 |

International studies. From time to time we will post material about criminal justice in other countries.  Canadians hear most about the United States, and it is likely that American trends and practices have had a strong effect on what happens...

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