Tag Archive: wrongful conviction

The Hidden Epidemic of False Guilty Pleas

July 25, 2019

By Caroline Erentzen, York University and colleagues (more information at the end of the post) This post is just under 1000 words and can be read in 4-5 minutes. In the late 1980s, a series of DNA-based exonerations shook the...

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The limits of forensic evidence

June 17, 2019

This post is about 770 words and can be read in 3 minutes. Many of the popular crime dramas on television give prominence to forensic evidence. Corpses are identified and murderers caught through analysis of hair, clothing fibres, fingerprints, bite...

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Do prosecutors have too much discretion?

January 14, 2019

This post is about 750 words and can be read in 3 minutes. More than 90% of criminal charges in Canada never go to trial.  They are either dropped by the Crown or the accused pleads guilty to something.  This...

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Parole denied due to claims of innocence

November 27, 2018

This post is about 1100 words and can be read in about 5 minutes. There are many problems with the way that Canada’s parole system functions.  One problem is that being paroled requires a prisoner to admit guilt for the...

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How to Have Fewer Wrongful Convictions

September 4, 2018 |

This blog is about 1200 words and takes about 5 minutes to read. Canada should make a series of changes to laws and criminal justice procedures in order to prevent more people from being convicted of crimes which they did...

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