Restorative justice and sexual assault – Marlee Liss story

December 4, 2019

580 words; 3  minutes to read One of the most contentious areas in criminal justice discussion is around sexual assault.  Clearly there are very significant issues here around sexual encounters, and consent.  These are difficult for the criminal justice system...

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Most people can’t afford a proper legal defense

November 27, 2019

950 words; 4 minutes to read. A fundamental aspect of justice in Canada is that any accused person has the right to make a proper defense.  In practice, this right does not exist for most Canadians because they cannot afford...

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University editorial on criminal justice

November 17, 2019

800 words; 4 minutes to read The following is an edited version of an editorial that appeared in the November 15 issue of the University of Manitoba student newspaper, The Manitoban.  We reproduce it here as an example of excellent...

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Beyond Incarceration

November 7, 2019

950 words; 4 minutes to read Paula Mallea has had a long and distinguished career as a criminal defense lawyer and public policy advocate.  Having worked extensively with prisoners, and with Indigenous people in the justice system, she became a...

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Why we like punishment

November 2, 2019

675 words; 3 minutes One of the great myths about the criminal justice system is that one of its major purposes is rehabilitation, helping people who did something wrong improve themselves so they will no longer commit crimes. But when...

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How media coverage can distort ideas about crime

October 25, 2019

750 words; 4 minutes to read This post is drawn from a single graphic produced by the wonderful web site Our World in Data.  That site provides brilliant analyses of  large amounts of data, often over long periods of time,...

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Posts worth a second look

October 17, 2019

  600 words; 3 minutes to read. The introductory post for this blog was in early September of 2017, just over two years ago.  Since then we have posted well over 100 items on various aspects of criminal justice.  Many...

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Is crime about the individual or the society?

October 7, 2019

1000 words; 4 minutes to read. Many of the debates in criminal justice eventually come down to the question of how we understand wrongful behaviour. For most of human history, we have seen wrongdoing as lying in the individual who...

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