Good resource: Speakers on criminal justice in Canada

February 2, 2019

This post is about 400 words and can be read in 2 minutes. Many voluntary organizations across Canada do excellent work in the field of criminal justice (see previous post on some of them).  Since 2010, a Toronto church, Eglinton-St....

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Cons and Kernels – 1

January 24, 2019

By Emily O’Brien. This post is about 500 words and can be read in 2-3 minutes. My name is Emily O’Brien, and this is the first in a few posts that John Howard is going to put on their site...

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Editorial: Time for action on pardons!

January 21, 2019 |

This post is 600 words and can be read in 2-3 minutes. Three years ago Ralph Goodale promised ‘fairness’ with reforms to Criminal Records Act – it’s time to make good on that promise Almost 4 million people in Canada...

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Do prosecutors have too much discretion?

January 14, 2019

This post is about 750 words and can be read in 3 minutes. More than 90% of criminal charges in Canada never go to trial.  They are either dropped by the Crown or the accused pleads guilty to something.  This...

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Media portrayals of crime create problems

January 7, 2019

This post is 900 words and can be read in about 4 minutes Emotional public reactions to crime have always played an important role in shaping criminal justice.  This post draws from ten recent studies (listed and linked at the...

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Reducing crime by supporting people after release

January 2, 2019

This post is about 100 words and can be read in about 5 minutes. Everybody wants a world in which there is less crime.  That is why rehabilitation is one of the main official purposes of the criminal justice system. ...

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Problems with education in Canadian prisons

December 13, 2018

This post is about 600 words and can be read in less than 3 minutes. Providing effective education and training in prison would seem to be crucial in helping prisoners live appropriately once they leave the penal system.  Quite a...

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Health care after prison

December 9, 2018

This post is about 580 words and can be read in 3 minutes. Many people leaving Canadian jails and prisons face very significant obstacles to developing a normal life.  Despite the criminal justice system’s official goal of assisting rehabilitation, those...

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