Reforming criminal sentencing

June 18, 2018

In 2016, as part of a general review of criminal justice for the new federal government, the Department of Justice commissioned a set of papers on possible reforms to criminal sentencing in Canada.  Five papers were published on the Department’s...

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Prisoners’ Stories 3 – Here, Kitty, Kitty…

June 4, 2018

Note: Parts 1 and 2 of this story appeared last fall. By I.M. GRENADA “When?” For prisoners, that’s the cosmic question. On the civilized side of the fence, common folk regularly rate each other in cash (“So, what do you...

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Why and how do people desist from crime?

June 2, 2018

A major purpose of the criminal justice system is to reduce the number of crimes committed.  The Criminal Code sections on sentencing (s 718) lists several reasons for giving criminal sentences, including denunciation and deterrence, both of which are presumed...

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Blog Back Online

May 30, 2018 |

The John Howard blog on criminal justice reform is back!  Unexpected events prevented us from posting for several months but you can expect regular posts from now on,  The blog will continue to focus on reliable information on issues that...

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Canada gives less parole despite excellent results

May 30, 2018

The National Parole Board is responsible for making decisions about parole for all Canadian federal prisoners (sentences of more than two years) and prisoners in many provinces.  The Parole Board is made up of members appointed by the federal government;...

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May 17, 2018

Here’s a startling concept. Maybe we all have a lot to learn from our prisoners. I say “our” because we, as a society, have decided to keep certain people imprisoned, against their will, in the name of justice and public...

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May 1, 2018

Imagine what would happen to you if someone took you, against your will, and locked you, incommunicado with your family and friends, in a bathroom for one day. When you would be rescued and released, everyone would assume that you...

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