Bryan Stevenson: A Leading Civil Rights Voice

September 21, 2017

Reflecting on Bryan Stevenson: How a Criminal Lawyer Became the Leading Civil Rights Voice of Our Time by Lisa Kerr The field of criminal justice is often in need of moral leadership. While Bryan Stevenson is focused on the U.S....

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Carceral expansion and organizations that serve the criminalized

September 21, 2017

There is “no neutral ground”: Carceral expansion and organizations that serve the criminalized in Canada Justin Piché There was considerable expansion of jail, prison and penitentiary capacity during the near-decade that Stephen Harper was the Prime Minister of Canada, both...

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Overuse of Prison Around the World

September 21, 2017

International studies. From time to time we will post material about criminal justice in other countries.  Canadians hear most about the United States, and it is likely that American trends and practices have had a strong effect on what happens...

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What This Blog is About

September 21, 2017

Purposes, what to expect, how to participate, copyright and reproduction Why this blog? Crime and criminal justice are topics of great interest to people.  They are frequently reported in the news, a common subject of public conversation, and therefore of...

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