How can we help young men stay out of jail?

March 30, 2024

Post #238 900 words; 4 minutes to read   Summary: A study of 1600 young men in Quebec shows that imprisonment can badly interfere with normal life development, leading to increased recidvism. A very high proportion of the people in...

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Tough on crime is the wrong approach

February 28, 2024

Post #236 920 words; 4 minutes to read Summary: Tough on crime may make good politics but it’s bad policy.  One reason is that most people have committed a crime at some point in their lives, making it impossible to...

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Prisoner experience: Baglee hits the big time

February 6, 2024

Post #235 1200 words; 5 minutes to read Jonathan Baglee  is currently attending Athabasca U with the aspiration of becoming a lawyer.  This is the second part of his story; part 1 is here.   Audio summary by volunteer law student Hannah Lee....

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Former ‘tough on crime’ advocate changes views radically

January 8, 2024

Post #233 900 words; 4 minutes to read   Summary: Ben Perrin, law professor and former advisor to the Harper government, makes a compelling argument for a dramatic change in our approach to criminal justice. ‘Indictment’, by Benjamin Perrin.  University...

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2023: Not a good year for criminal justice policy

December 27, 2023

Post # 232 700 words; 3 minutes to read Summary: Many developments in criminal justice policy in Canada in 2023 were disappointing and conflict with the evidence. 2023 has been a difficult year in many ways, all around the world. ...

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The inequality of Canada’s criminal justice system

December 5, 2023

Post #231 911 words; 4 minutes to read Summary: Despite its envisioned role as a place for individuals who have committed crimes, the Canadian criminal justice system is one that disproportionately disadvantages the poor and marginalized, perpetuating disparities at various...

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Presumed guilty

November 25, 2023 |

Post #230 1100 words; 5 minutes to read Summary: Despite the official presumption of innocence when arrested, in reality accused persons are generally treated as if they were guilty. This post is reprinted with permission from the online publication Law360...

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