New data on crime, prisons, parole

November 14, 2023

Post #229 1060 words – 5 minutes to read   Summary: The annual report (CCRSO) released by Public Safety Canada reveals important and troubling aspects of our criminal justice system. We have examined previous editions of this publication from Public...

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Studying youth with long-term criminal involvement

October 12, 2023 |

Post #227 1100 words; 5 minutes to read. Summary: This post is drawn from a powerful longitudinal study of young people with serious involvement in crime.  A key finding is that there are both important patterns and many exceptions to...

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Misrepresenting the data on crime

September 24, 2023

Post #226 950 words; 4 minutes to read Summary: Recent media reports alleging serious problems of rising crime are not consistent with the actual data reported by Statistics Canada. Major media (such as The Globe and Mail and National Post)...

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John Howard Blog has Instagram page

September 10, 2023 |

The John Howard Society of Canada blog ( now has an Instagram page as well. This page will help us promote the blog and post about stories that are relevant but do not appear as blog posts. Please feel...

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Police Stops: Some Benefits, But at What Cost?

September 9, 2023

Post #225 750 words; 3 minutes to read   By Hannah Lee, law student, Summary: Random police stops may help reduce crime but also carry high costs to the individuals stopped.  Other alternatives appear to be more effective. Police...

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Rethinking Canada’s carceral system

August 9, 2023

Post #223 700 words; 3 minutes to read Summary: A report from the Anti-Police Power Surrey makes three arguments in favour of a smaller criminal justice and penal system in Canada By Emily Stewart, Associate Editor Many debates in criminal justice...

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Mandela Day 2023

July 18, 2023 |

Mandela Day is an annual global celebration that takes place on July 18th to honour the life and legacy of Nelson Mandela. This day is a call to action for individuals, communities, and organizations to take time to reflect on...

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