Tag Archive: employment

Lack of education and training in Canadian prisons

December 7, 2020

Post #158 775 words; 3 minutes to read One of the clearest findings about imprisoned people in Canada is that the vast majority have serious deficits in their education that make it harder for them to find work and support...

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Harms of remand – evidence from Denmark

October 21, 2020

Post #153 650 words; 3 minutes to read The majority (about 60%) of people held in provincial jails in Canada have not been found guilty of anything and this pattern has been getting worse in recent years. They are being...

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Prisoners on Prisons

September 28, 2020

Post # 151 710 words; 3 minutes to read Most Canadians have very little sense of what it is like to be in prison.  Perhaps most people don’t care, on the theory that ‘if you are in prison it’s for...

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Convict criminology

August 24, 2020

Post #148 720 words; 3 minutes to read In most social policy systems, having experience in the system is held to be an advantage for those who study it.  In some fields, such as medicine, virtually all those who teach...

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German prisons better and cheaper

March 6, 2020

Post #126  830 words; 4 minutes to read   Canada’s Correctional Investigator recently released yet another annual report drawing attention to some of the terrible conditions in Canada’s prisons, and the seeming indifference, if not outright opposition, of the government...

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Cons and Kernels 3 – Stuff About Prison

December 30, 2019

600 words; 3 minutes to read Cons and Kernels owner/entrepreneur Emily O’Brien has been in the news a lot lately as she continues to build her business and is a great spokesperson for seeing ex-prisoners in a positive light. Earlier...

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The many harms of remand

June 25, 2019

This post is 600 words and can be read in 3 minutes. Jailing people after arrest – the process called remand – creates many harms. Previous posts have commented on this issue, but new research by Holly Pelvin details some...

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The Dutch Are Closing Prisons

May 27, 2019 |

This post is about 1000 words and can be read in about 5 minutes. This is a shortened version of the original article from usnews.com by Danielle Batist May 13, 2019 The number of prisoners in The Netherlands has halved...

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