Tag Archive: employment

Police record checks create big problems

May 13, 2019 |

This post is about 500 words and can be read in about 2 minutes. Opinion by Christin Cullen, Executive Director, John Howard York Region Our current system for police background checks is a barrier to employment for far too many...

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I Am More Than a Criminal Record

March 7, 2019

This post is about 800 words and can be read in 3-4 minutes. Although most people think that the court sentence is the hardest part of being convicted of a crime, for many of the millions of Canadians who have...

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Cons and Kernels – 1

January 24, 2019

By Emily O’Brien. This post is about 500 words and can be read in 2-3 minutes. My name is Emily O’Brien, and this is the first in a few posts that John Howard is going to put on their site...

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Editorial: Time for action on pardons!

January 21, 2019 |

This post is 600 words and can be read in 2-3 minutes. Three years ago Ralph Goodale promised ‘fairness’ with reforms to Criminal Records Act – it’s time to make good on that promise Almost 4 million people in Canada...

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Reducing crime by supporting people after release

January 2, 2019

This post is about 100 words and can be read in about 5 minutes. Everybody wants a world in which there is less crime.  That is why rehabilitation is one of the main official purposes of the criminal justice system. ...

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Lifetime Effects of a Criminal Record

September 22, 2017

A criminal conviction is much more than the sentence It’s commonly believed that the consequence of being convicted of a crime lies in the sentence imposed by a judge.  “Do the crime, do your time”, one often hears.  But as...

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