We are so pleased to see John Howard Society affiliates across Canada join us in celebrating JHS Week. The team from JHS British Columbia has kicked off the week by launching their new blog.

Access the new JHSBC blog here!

“This is a project that our team has been interested in pursuing for some time now, and we are thrilled to have launched it on the first day of JHS Week 2020” says Mark Miller, the Executive Officer of JHSBC.

Throughout JHS Week, JHSBC will be sharing daily blog posts that provide information, spread awareness and amplify the voice of JHS in BC as we work together to build safe, healthy, and inclusive communities for all.

After JHS week, you can expect to see a blog post each month on a range of topics, such as personal narratives of JHS service users, inspiring success stories, and advocacy pieces making their stance on social and criminal justice issues more clear.  This blog will truly be a one stop shop for perspectives and inspiration on social and criminal justice in BC.



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