Police Stops: Some Benefits, But at What Cost?

September 9, 2023

Post #225 750 words; 3 minutes to read   By Hannah Lee, law student, linkedin.com/in/hannah-jd-candidate Summary: Random police stops may help reduce crime but also carry high costs to the individuals stopped.  Other alternatives appear to be more effective. Police...

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Rethinking Canada’s carceral system

August 9, 2023

Post #223 700 words; 3 minutes to read Summary: A report from the Anti-Police Power Surrey makes three arguments in favour of a smaller criminal justice and penal system in Canada By Emily Stewart, Associate Editor Many debates in criminal justice...

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Prisoner Experience: The reality of bail in Canada

July 17, 2023

Post #222 500 words, 2 minutes to read Audio summary by volunteer Gilliam Sherman. This post is a statement by Rachel Fayter as part of a recent press conference addressing the real issues in bail reform.  Ms Fayter is a...

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Why facts don’t change minds

July 10, 2023

Post #221 900 words; 4 minutes to read Summary:  Discusses several myths about the about the relationship between scientific evidence and human decision-making, and suggests alternative insights for effective research communication and impact.     Criminal justice is a field with...

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Many issues in provincial jails in Nova Scotia

June 28, 2023

Post #220 850 words; 4 minutes to read Audio summary courtesy of volunteer Gillian Sherman. Summary: A report by the East Coast Prison Justice Society shows that there are serious and persistent problems with conditions in Nova Scotia jails, exacerbated...

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Youth criminal justice – Good progress but more to do

June 9, 2023

Post #219 1000 words; 4 minutes to read Audio summary by volunteer law student Hannah Lee. Summary: The Youth Criminal Justice Act led to many improvements but some substantial challenges remain. By Emily Stewart, Associate Editor John Howard Society Week...

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